The facility is owned and run by Marown Memorial Playing Fields Limited, which is a registered charity. There is a management committee, all of whose members are volunteers. Assisted by members of the Sports Clubs, all volunteers work together and give freely of their time to maintain the amenity to the high standard currently enjoyed by all. Financed on a day to day basis from fund raising and rental income, special projects have received generous support from charitable trusts, individual and corporate sponsors and Marown Parish Commissioners.
The Skate Park, Cycle Fun Track and Playground provide wonderful opportunities for free structured play for youngsters of all ages. The Millennium Hall, incorporating a large function room, modern kitchen and toilet facilities, is a marvellous community asset and is used by the Marown Playgroup and many other local organisations on a regular basis for a wide range of activities. It is available for private hire and is one of the best venues on the Island for children's parties.
For Millennium Hall reservations, please email or call Lorraine Quayle on 472767.
For any other enquiries about the facilities provided by Marown Memorial Playing Fields Ltd please contact Andrew Willoughby (Secretary) 473805 or Lorraine Quayle (Chairperson) 472767.
The Marown Memorial Playing Fields are also on Facebook.
Further information regarding Marown Memorial Playing Fields can be found on this website under "Also of Interest".
Marown FC
Secretary: Ms Helen Withers, 479979
Marown Juniors
Age 5 - 17 (boys & Girls)
Secretary: Ms Helen Withers, 479979
Training: Sunday 10AM all welcome (plus additional weekly sessions)
Facebook: Marown Juniors Football
Ground: Marown Memorial Playing Fields, Crosby
Marown Memorial Playing Fields, Crosby
Secretary PD Kelly 463933
Crosby Cricket Club
Junior Cricket
Junior Club Co-ordinator
Dave Picken
Tel: 01624 618472 - 07624 464440
Craig Hartmann
Tel: 01624 851085 - 07624 354700
Ground: Marown Memorial Playing Fields, Crosby
Westmoreland Road Douglas IM1 1RL
Phone: 640650
Wednesdays fortnightly
Ballagarey Road, Glen Vine: 10.30 AM
Church Road, Crosby: 11.05 AM
Membership: £20 Adults, £5 Children
Includes Audio books, CD books and junior section.
Contact Sarah Brew 852723 or Panda Dooley 660234
Marown Church Hall
Mondays 6:30pm
A Club for the over 5's with Christian stories, games, songs and craft.
Western Swimming Pool
Glenlough Farm Campsite, Glen Vine.
Telephone: 852057
Open April to October
The Crosby Hotel, Main Road, Crosby
Tel: 851293
January 2025 - Click Here to View (PDF)
Click here for more details
Help Marown Church raise funds30/11/2022
Marown Church will be hosting home made soups and cakes with tea or coffee to help raise church funds. This was previously very well attended by many folk who went to enjoy the event, then run from Foxdale Church (now closed due to major repairs needed), who wouldn't go - good company, great food a bargain feast!
Every Friday 12.30-1.30 with ample parking.
All welcome
Local Authority Elections (LEA) 202101/07/2021
Marown Commissioners (uncontested election)
Eliza Cox, Christian Henry Forbes, John Simon William Lovelady, Alison Ruth Lynch, Terence Anthony Miles
The new board will be effective from 1st August 2021 following the LEA Elections on Thursday 22nd July 2021.
Who was the first Chairman of Marown Parish Commissioners?15/12/2015
Please help..........