Public Information
Member of the House of Keys for Middle
Jane Poole-Wilson, MHK
Two Acres,
Glen Vine
Isle of Man
Mobile: 07624 301780
Facebook: Jane Poole-Wilson for Middle
2021 Election Manifesto - Click here to view (PDF)
Member of the House of Keys for Middle
Stu Peters, MHK
15 Murray's Lake Drive,
Isle of Man
Mobile: 07624 491138
Facebook: Stu Peters MHK for Middle
Twitter: @StuManx
Western Neighbourhood Policing Team
Peel Police Station
Derby Road
Telephone: 842208
Fax: 842365
The Inspector in charge of North, West and South neighbourhood teams is: TBC
Western Sgt is TBC
Western Neighbourhood is responsible for policing:
The enquiry desk is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and other times dependent on patrol requirements. If staff cannot take your call you will be transferred to headquarters where a message can be left.
Glen Darragh Road, Glen Vine, IM4 4BB
Head Teacher: Mr Ian Longshaw
Douglas Road, Peel
Head Teacher: Ms S Moore
Telephone: 841000
Please keep your dog under control and always use the bins provided when walking your dog in our parish.
Please click here for a copy of the Marown Dog Control Byelaws
Street lighting is the responsibility of your commissioners. If a street light is not working, please make a note of the light number and report the fault to the Clerk.
If you would like to comment on planning applications, please contact the Clerk. Plans can be inspected at the Commissioners' office.
Peel and Western District Housing Committee
Marown residents are eligible for housing in their area.
Marown Parish Community Care (Eyreton Park)
A registered charity created almost 20 years ago to enable people who have lived or have been connected with Marown Parish to stay in Crosby village when they retire. Social events and shopping trips by minibus are organised. MPCC owns the freehold and eight apartments at Eyreton Park.
January 2025 - Click Here to View (PDF)
Click here for more details
Help Marown Church raise funds30/11/2022
Marown Church will be hosting home made soups and cakes with tea or coffee to help raise church funds. This was previously very well attended by many folk who went to enjoy the event, then run from Foxdale Church (now closed due to major repairs needed), who wouldn't go - good company, great food a bargain feast!
Every Friday 12.30-1.30 with ample parking.
All welcome
Local Authority Elections (LEA) 202101/07/2021
Marown Commissioners (uncontested election)
Eliza Cox, Christian Henry Forbes, John Simon William Lovelady, Alison Ruth Lynch, Terence Anthony Miles
The new board will be effective from 1st August 2021 following the LEA Elections on Thursday 22nd July 2021.
Who was the first Chairman of Marown Parish Commissioners?15/12/2015
Please help..........